Importance of Rhetorical Structures in Qasidas or Odes of Sana’i

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of Persian language and literature, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.


The purpose of writing this article is to explore the techniques of Sana'i in creating didactic language in his poems. Hence, after a short introduction about "oratorical rhetoric" and a theoretical perspective on this matter some syntactic tricks of Sana'i in creating "oratorical language" and didactic rhetoric will be discussed. Sana'i has used certain syntactic patterns in order to shape didactic language in his moral poetry. Certainly, Sana'i art is not limited to the use of syntactic patterns, and on the other hand, the design of all Sana'i syntactic patterns requires a wide scope. But here we will discuss some syntactic patterns, especially the use of conditional sentences and the structure of combined sentences in his poems, which form the rhetorical language and musical arrangement in many of his didactic poems. Through conditional sentences and the structure of combined sentences, Sanai displays his command as a moral preacher. Apart from this, these structures also play an effective role in the music of his poetry. Therefore, by focusing on some odes of Sana'i, I try to introduce the syntactic patterns that Sana'i used to create authority in the language of the sermon and increase the effect of the preach.


Main Subjects

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