بررسی سیر دگردیسی شخصیت سلطان محمود غزنوی

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


دکتری زبان و ادبیات فارسی، استاد مدعو دانشگاه صنعتی شریف، تهران، ایران


این پژوهش به بررسی ابعاد و ویژگی‏های شخصیتی سلطان محمود غزنوی در متون تاریخی، ادبی و عرفانی می‌پردازد. هدف این پژوهش، بررسی دگردیسی شخصیتی سیاسی و رهبر است. در این بررسی هم به اطلاعات بیوگرافی این شخصیت و هم به رشد، تعالی و گذار او در متون تاریخی، ادبی و عرفانی توجه شده است. نتیجة به‏دست‏آمده از بیوگرافی محمود غزنوی در متون تاریخی بیانگر آن است که او در بستر زندگی، اجتماع و فرهنگ خود از رهبران سیاسی قدرت‏طلب است که داعیه‏دار اسلام و دینداری است و به همین مناسبت، لقب‎ها و عنوان‎های مختلفی نیز به او نسبت داده شده است. او همچنین برای رسیدن به اهدافش گرایش‌های جنگ‏طلبانه دارد که به کشتار و قتل و غارت‏هایی منتج می‏شود. تولد و مرگ او در این متون به گونه‌ای انعکاس‏ یافته که گویی دربارة شخصیتی مقدس مطرح شده‌ است. همچنین القابی که به او در متون ادبی و دیوان‌های شاعران – به‏خصوص در دیوان شعر عنصری و فرخی که نزدیک‌ترین متون مربوط به این دوره محسوب می‌شوند – اختصاص یافته، صفاتی مقدس‏مآبانه و باعظمت است که ابعاد تقدس و دینداری محمود غزنوی را برجسته کرده و تأثیر قابل‏ملاحظه‌ای در نوع نگرش نویسندگان و مخاطبان از این شخصیت داشته است؛ مسئله‏ای که بعدها در آثار عرفانی نیز انعکاس می‌یابد. همچنین نگاه مداحانه و ستایش‏گرانه تاریخ ‏نویسان به اقدامات محمود غزنوی در کتاب‎های تاریخی سیر این دگردیسی را تسهیل بخشیده است. اما نقش‏هایی که در متون عرفانی به محمود غزنوی داده شده است او را از زمینه‏های تاریخی، سیاسی و اجتماعی حوزه بیوگرافی‏اش تمایز داده است.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Investigating the transformation of the character of Sultan Mahmoud Ghaznavi

نویسنده [English]

  • Zahrasadat Taheri Ghaleno
Ph.D. in Persian language and literature, Visiting Professor of Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
چکیده [English]

The current research is aimed at examining the personality dimensions and characteristics of Sultan Mahmoud Ghaznavi in ​​historical, literary, and mystical texts. The purpose of this research is to investigate the transformation of political personality and leader. In this review, attention has been paid to both the biographical information of this character and his growth, excellence, and transition in historical, literary, and mystical texts. The results obtained from the biography of Mahmoud Ghaznavi in ​​historical texts indicte that he is a power-seeking political leader in the context of his life, society and culture, who is a proponent of Islam and religiosity, and on this occasion, a variety of nicknames and titles have also been attributed to him.
Furthermore, he has war-like tendencies to achieve his goals, which leads to killings and looting. His birth and death are reflected in these texts as if they signify a holy person. Also, the titles assigned to him in the literary texts and divans of poets - especially in the divan of the elemental and Farrokhi poems which are considered the closest texts related to this period - are sacred and majestic attributes that highlight the holy and religious dimensions of Mahmoud Ghaznavi. Followed by that, it has had a significant impact on the attitude of writers and audiences towards this character. A problem that will be later reflected in mystical works. Precisely, the glorifying and appreciative view of historians on Mahmoud Ghaznavi's actions in historical books has facilitated the course of this transformation. However, the roles given to Mahmoud Ghaznavi in ​​mystical texts have distinguished him from the historical, political, and social contexts of his biography
The current research is to signify the personality dimensions and characteristics of Sultan Mahmoud Ghaznavi in ​​historical, literary and mystical texts. The autocratic and powerful historical character of Sultan Mahmoud Ghaznavi turned into a different character over time. The purpose of this research is to investigate the transformation of this political figure and leader. In this review, attention has been paid to both the biographical information of this character and his growth, excellence and transition in historical, literary and mystical texts. What has emerged from the personality of Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi in ​​mystical texts; It is mostly inspired by stories and narratives written about this character in historical and literary texts close to him. This hypothesis about the transformation of Mahmoud Ghaznavi's character and his entry from the real world into the world of legends is strengthened when we observe the historical works and find out how much the authors' language and expression by mythologizing, enlarging, and sanctifying a historical figure in his change and transformation into A legendary figure has played a role.
Materials and Methods:
As provided in the current review, attention has been paid to both the biographical information of this character and his growth, excellence, and transition in historical, literary, and mystical texts. What has emerged from the personality of Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi in ​​mystical texts; It is mostly inspired by stories and narratives written about this character in historical and literary texts close to him.
Results and Discussion:
As stated, the historical, bellicose and autocratic personality of Mahmoud Ghaznavi has been transformed into a mystical, romantic, religious and just character over time and due to the conceptualizations of writers and authors. A character who is very different from his historical reality. His epithets in literary texts and divans of poets - especially in Divan Shaer Elemari and Farrokhi, which are the closest texts related to this period - have shown the holiness, awe, and greatness of Sultan Mahmoud. This has been repeated multiple times in Diwan of Farrokhi and Onsori and represents the holy and religious dimensions of Mahmoud Ghaznavi, which had a significant impact on the attitude of writers and audiences toward this character and, as the matter matter of fact, was later reflected in mystical works. One of the other most common and frequent themes mentioned in Madhi's poems is the religious aspect of Sultan Mahmoud Ghaznavi's personality. Verses refer to Sultan Mahmoud's prayer, worship, and religious campaigns such as breaking the temple, killing the unbelievers, etc. Such actions are to be equal to the actions of Prophet Muhammad and these verses have made Mahmoud close to sainthood. Praiser poets, who do not have a meter and measure for their poetic expression, tried in every way to make Sultan Mahmoud appear as a supernatural and heavenly being. Sometimes, they described him as an awesome and legendary being and highlighted his struggles and hardships. Sultan Mahmoud's authority and his conquests, especially his successive attacks on India, required publicity so much that he was given the title of Sultan Ghazi.
Historical reports show that the duration of Mahmoud's illness was short and the type of his illness was unknown. Precisely, many of those around him were not informed about his illness and this was considered as the basis for the ambiguity and mystery of his death. As they have said, Sultan Mahmoud died sitting and never suffered from weakness and illness like others and did not fall into bed.
Another saying is that Mahmoud suffered from tuberculosis and his illness got more serious every day. Despite that, he did not show weakness and did not fall ill until finally he died due to this disease in Ghaznin in 421. The results obtained from the biography of Mahmoud Ghaznavi in ​​historical texts shows that he is reknowned as a power-seeking political leader in the context of his life, society, and culture, who is a proponent of Islam and religiosity, and accordingly, a variety of nicknames and titles have been attributed to him.
He also has war-like tendencies to achieve his goals, which leads to killings and looting. His birth and death are reflected in these texts as if they were talking about a holy person.
Also, the titles assigned to him in the literary texts and divans of poets (especially in the divan of the elemental and Farrokhi poems which are considered the closest texts related to this period) are holy, noble, and contain majestic attributes that highlight the sacred and religious dimensions of Mahmoud Ghaznavi. Furthermore, it has had a considerable impact on the attitude of writers and audiences towards this character. A problem that will be later reflected in mystical works.
The glorifying and appreciative view of historians on Mahmoud Ghaznavi's actions in historical books has facilitated the course of this transformation. However, the roles given to Mahmoud Ghaznavi in ​​mystical texts have distinguished him from the historical, political, and social contexts of his biography.
The significant attention from mystics to Sultan Mahmoud and his relationship with the mystics, the relationship of the Sultan himself to the mystics, the mystics' view of Sultan, and the right to know him, observing his fate in a dream, his position in the eyes of the people, his forgiveness to the people, his religiosity, zeal, and love, and, last but not least,  his relationship with Ayaz are among the frequent themes that mystics have addressed in various stories. Consequently, this distorted image has a significant distance from the reality of Mahmoud's personality.
Time and place in these stories are often captured as repetitive places and unknown times. For example, Shikargah, Ghaznin, Deh, Alam, Qayamat, Ayaz place, Takht and among the addressed place and one of the days, today, tomorrow, one day, this hour, that day has been repeated in many stories as the notions of time. This is a representation of the fact that the stories are fake in the minds of the writers.
The nicknames and titles are completely different and transformed from what was attributed to him during his lifetime. Attribution of titles such as Sultan, king of kings, high king, victorious king, king owner of the world, king of world, famous king, righteous king, Yamin Din Khoda, Sultan Arif, Mahmoud Adel, Sultan Din, The judge, Mahmoud Jahandar to Mahmoud Ghaznavi 
and the stories that were only mentioned have transformed the image of Sultan Mahmoud Ghaznavi.
This metamorphosis, referred to as one of the remarkable points, did not happen to other kings of history, and this feature made Mahmoud Ghaznavi different from others. In the classifications reviewed in this article, we argued how Sultan Mahmoud of Ghaznavi turned from a historical figure into a legendary figure. The most important result of the present research is the question of how much people and social and historical conditions can cause character transformation, and the most important result of the article is to provide a critical and analytical look at historical and fictional texts and characters.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Mahmoud Ghaznavi
  • Metamorphosis
  • Historical texts
  • Literary texts
  • Mystical texts
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